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How to Sharpen Diamond Saw Blades

How to Sharpen Diamond Saw Blades May. 06, 2023

How to Sharpen Diamond Saw Blades

Hook the water hose to a faucet and use a midrange level of water pressure. Have the water running over the brick or concrete block that you will cut into with the saw blade.

Turn your saw on. Carefully start cutting into the brick or concrete block. As the water runs over the material, it mixes with the ruminants produced by the saw. This turns into a paste-like slurry that is abrasive enough to sharpen the saw blade. As the blade continues to run through the material, it wears the blade down, exposing new diamonds.

You need a sharp diamond saw blade if you want to have a nice, even cut.

The saw could kick back on you, jump in material you are trying to cut or, worse, the saw could cut you instead.

Cut 2 inches into the brick or block. Be sure to wear eye protection to keep your eyes safe.

Repeat the above steps until the diamond saw blade is sharp. The number of times you will need to repeat the above steps depends the dullness of your blade and the abrasiveness of your brick, as well as how much water you use and the blade hardness.


Concrete Saw Blades-10 Tips in Sharpening Your Concrete Saw Blades

Concrete saw blades are an incredibly useful tool. It is convenient for amateurs who need to cut concrete for DIY projects. However, it is also suitable for professionals who cut concrete and other hard materials as a part of their job.

The more you use your saw blade, the quicker it will wear down. Fortunately, there is a way to return it to its initial sharpness and extend its longevity. Sharpening a concrete saw blade is a process you can do alone, so you don’t have to take the item to a professional.

If you are ready to invest time and effort, look at these crucial tips when sharpening concrete saw blades.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Check the sharpness of the Blade Frequently

The first thing you need to do is to confirm that your blade requires sharpening. Sharpening is a process that requires time and effort, which is why you don’t want to go through it more frequently than necessary.

On the other hand, as soon as you notice that something is wrong with your blade, it might be an indicator that it requires sharpening.

Here are some signs how to recognize that your concrete saw blade is dull:


You encounter resistance when cutting, even though that hasn’t happened before with that particular material.

The noise the blade makes when cutting is sharper and bigger than usual.

Once you assess the materials, you notice the edges are rough and not as smooth as before.

It is important to check the sharpness of your blade frequently. That is the only way you can ensure maximizing the tool’s longevity. Additionally, it will help you to achieve optimal cutting results every time.

If you continue cutting with a dull blade, you risk ruining the tool and the material. That means you will need a new workpiece to cut and a replacement blade. It requires time, effort, and money, so sharpening your blade on time is a far better option.

Chapter 2. Position the Sharpening Block Properly

When sharpening your concrete saw blade, the first step is to prepare for the process. That means you should ensure you have everything required for sharpening.

The good news is that you don’t need a large list of items. However, make sure to have the following:

A concrete block or brick

Water hose

Additionally, you should secure sufficient space for the sharpening process. We strongly recommend doing it outdoors, where you are not limited to walls or other objects. The process will also involve water running through the hose, implying it is easier to do the sharpening outside.

Now, the first thing that you want to do is to position the sharpening block properly. The crucial thing to note is that you don’t want obstructions near the brick or the block. The important thing is that you can move around the block without the risk of hitting any object or item.

Next, make sure you place the block in a tight position. It mustn’t move throughout the process. Otherwise, you might risk damaging the blade or injuring yourself. You can test the stability of the block by applying force to try to move it. Remember, you want it stable so you can sharpen it without worrying about knocking over the block.

Chapter 3. Stay Safe During the Process

You already know that safety should be your primary concern whenever working with a concrete saw blade. The same is true for the sharpening process, which is why we strongly recommend wearing your safety equipment.

First, you will need goggles. If debris and dust fly around, this will prevent them from entering your eyes. You also want to protect your hands, which will do most of the sharpening work. That is why we recommend wearing a pair of protective gloves. Bruises and cuts might happen while sharpening the blade, and gloves might help you to avoid them.

You might also want to wear a dust mask respirator if you have a sensitive organism. That accessory will prevent you from inhaling small metal particles and other materials. It is important to avoid any breathing issues that might result from working with these tools. Finally, how about wearing earplugs? You can protect yourself by wearing earmuffs if you don’t like noise.

We also shouldn’t forget to mention. Before you start sharpening the concrete saw blade, make sure that the tool is disconnected. It is the best way to ensure that accidental activation won’t cause any problems.

Chapter 4. Secure Sufficient Water Flow

We mentioned a water hose as essential when sharpening a concrete saw blade. The task of the hose is to transfer water from a nearby source to the concrete block or brick you use for sharpening.

The effects of water are twofold. First, it cools down the temperature and ensures you avoid overheating issues, which could damage the blade. You will notice concrete dust around the block as you sharpen the blade. Combined with this element, the water becomes an abrasive substance that assists in achieving optimal sharpening results.

Your primary task should be to secure sufficient water flow. That starts by identifying the closest water source. It should ideally be in your yard because you want to avoid running the house through the hose.

Now, make sure that you have a hose of sufficient length. It should go from the water source to the concrete block and leave you enough space to position and maneuver the hose. It would be great to place the hose in a single position to ensure steady water flow. That way, you avoid vesting time and focus on checking if you need more water. Instead, a steady flow guarantees sufficient water at any moment.

Chapter 5. Mark the Blade’s Teeth

Here is a neat trick experts use to make the process more manageable. They suggest using a marker or another suitable item to mark the tooth you sharpen first. Although markets are the most convenient, you can also use tapes. The important thing is that the marked position doesn’t erase during the process.

Why is this important? First, it will ensure that you know the starting position, which will also be your ending position. That way, you rest assured that you have sharpened all the teeth and haven’t missed an area. A concrete saw blade is circular, and it is hard to make a difference because all sections look similar. That is why marking the blade’s teeth is a great way to ensure where you began the sharpening.

Apart from that, you will also avoid sharpening the same teeth twice. That way, you can extend the longevity of your blade.

Once you mark the starting position, it is time to initiate sharpening. All you need to do is start cutting the concrete block or brick. As you cut, the old blade’s surface is replaced with a fresh set of tips. The experts suggest that it shouldn’t take more than five or six inches of cutting into the block to optimize sharpening.

Chapter 6. See if the Blade Requires Additional Sharpening

Did you cut approximately five inches into the sharpening block? It is time to inspect the blade if you have completed that part of the process. The idea of checking it is to see if additional sharpening is required.

Plenty of factors will affect that. For starters, if your blade is particularly dull, you might need to go through the sharpening process multiple times before achieving optimal results. Additionally, your blade might be exceptionally hard, implying it needs more time to sharpen.

Don’t forget to consider the concrete block or brick you use. Its abrasiveness might affect how successful the sharpening process will be. Additionally, not securing a sufficient water flow can also influence the outcome of the process.

Either way, if the blade isn’t as sharp as you would like, all it takes to improve results is to repeat the process. Go ahead and cut into the block again. Once you finish, assess the blade and confirm if the blade is sharp enough.

Chapter 7. Always Keep the Blade Lubricated

Lubrication is a keyword with working with concrete saw blades. As you can see from what we mentioned in the previous steps, adequate water flow can play a crucial role in optimizing sharpening results. Lubrication is also important when cutting with a saw blade.

In both cases, your intentions are the same. The task is to avoid overheating and any damage caused by extreme temperatures. Apart from water flow, you can also use lubricants to optimize the cutting process. If you are unsure about a suitable lubricant for your blade, it might be wise to consult a professional.

Chapter 8. Concrete Saw Blades: Reverse the Blade Occasionally

Let us let you in on a little secret that can prolong the lifespan of the blade’s teeth and protect you from sharpening it frequently. During the cutting process, you might use one side of the blade more often than the other. It is a normal occurrence, especially with amateur and DIY users.

However, if you want to extend the longevity of the blade and prolong the time before it needs sharpening, it is crucial to secure even wear and tear. That is why you should ensure to reverse the blade occasionally. Doing that ensures all teeth remain in similar shape throughout the blade’s lifespan.

Chapter 9. Concrete Saw Blades: Clean the blade Regularly

Did you finish the sharpening process of the blade? If the answer is yes, it is time to clean the blade. The chances are some debris or particles got stuck on the blade. You should grab a soft cloth and wipe the tool’s surface.

If you haven’t cleaned the item for a long time, you might need to remove persistent buildup. In that case, use alcohol or dish detergent and a plastic scraper. It is important to clean the blade thoroughly because you need to rinse any leftovers of the detergent and other cleaning solutions used.

For safety reasons, always make sure that you turn off the tool before wiping and cleaning the blade. We strongly suggest cleaning your blade regularly every time you use the tool.

Chapter 10. Concrete Saw Blades: Always Make Sure You Use the Right Blade for the Job

We know that you are probably aware of this, and we are familiar that this might not directly correlate with sharpening. However, do you know the best way to avoid ruining the blade and making it need sharpening? It is by ensuring that you always use the right blade for the project.

There is a reason why we call these items concrete saw blades. That is because you should stick to cutting concrete with them. You might make an exception for materials of similar hardness and structure.

However, if you use these blades on significantly harder materials, the teeth of the tool will wear out quickly. Additionally, you might cause various damage and make the blade unusable.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, sharpening a concrete saw blade isn’t a demanding process. However, it requires time and effort, so you should avoid doing it frequently.

The smartest move is to purchase a saw blade that is exceptionally durable and can maintain its sharpness for a long time. NCCuttingTools offers more than 20 years of production experience making high-quality saw blades.

The company applies strict quality control and ensures you receive durable and reliable products at a budget-friendly price. Check out the manufacturer’s portfolio and pick a saw blade that best fits your needs.

How to Sharpen a Tile Saw Blade

The diamond grits on the edge of the blade have a tendency to wear down and glaze over when you're cutting harder ceramic materials. Sharpening a tile saw blade requires making a slurry out of an abrasive material and the saw's coolant or water.

Reduce the coolant or water flow. Adjust the valve until the flow is half open.

Select an abrasive item to dress the tile saw's diamond blade. Any suitably abrasive material can be used to sharpen the diamond blade on a tile saw, including a dressing stick, a grinding stone, a breeze block, a soft clay brick or a chunk of concrete or asphalt.

Cut into the abrasive material four or five times, then turn off both the saw and the coolant flow. Wait for the blade to stop spinning.

Remove the machine's power source. Unplug the saw or switch it off at the appropriate circuit breaker.

Examine the entire edge of the tile saw blade for freed diamond grit. Use an eye loupe to look for little glistening black dots. Drag your thumbnail over the edge of the blade; if the blade is sharpened, the edge will feel rough, whereas a worn blade will feel dull in spots.

Repeat the process until the entire outer edge of the tile saw blade is dressed and sharpened.
